Rabu, 25 Desember 2019

The History of Gedong Songo Tample, relics of the kingdom of 'Mataram Kuno' Java

Posted by Admin on Rabu, 25 Desember 2019

Gedong Songo Temple, located in the Bandungan region, Semarang.
This temple is a special temple because it has 9 temple complexes located in one area. This temple is very interesting to visit and is also listened to from various sides.
History of Gedong Songo Temple
Okay, it's time we start from the discovery of the Gedong Songo Temple. This area was discovered by the Governor-General of the Indies at that time, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who discovered it in 1740. However, when he discovered this temple there were only 7 of them.
Then in 1908 V. Stein Callenfels who conducted further research for more or less for 3 years until finally found 2 temple buildings. Then, in 1972 - 1982 the Dutch East Indies government conducted a restoration and continued by the Government of Indonesia.
Gedong Songo Temple comes from Javanese language. Gedong means building, and Songo which means Nine. So, the name Gedong Songo means building of nine in accordance with the number found.
Then, who first built and built this temple? The area on the slopes of Mount Ungaran with a height of 1200 meters above sea level is a relic of the Syailendra Dynasty in the 9th century. More precisely in 972 AD. This temple was more precisely built in the 7th century by the ancient Mataram King, Putera Sanjaya.
This temple was built as a destination of worship of the gods. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the temple complex there are several statues such as Shiva Mahakala, Shiva Mahaguru, Ganesha and some deity statues that can be enjoyed by Buddy Native.
In addition, the surrounding community believes that the Gedong Songo Temple area is still closely related to the story of the wayang between Hanoman and Dasamuka. In addition, there is also a mystery hidden behind the splendor of this temple which is about one of the places used as Queen Sima for meditation.
Residents also believe in the figure of a supernatural being named Mbah Murdo who is able to convey all intentions. However, you have to do austerities at the top of the temple area. Whether true or not, all of them are trusted and are always done by the citizens.

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